Richter Scholar Program

Irene Luwabelwa

Richter Project

Man Up: The Impact of Gender and Self-Presentation on Female Applicant Success

Academic Interests

Currently, ethics and African development and politics are my main academic interests. A few years ago, I read “The Life You Can Save” by Peter Singer. This book sparked my interest in ethics and African development. While I disagreed with many of his arguments, I enjoyed reading Singer's reflections on how and why people make moral judgments, particularly when discussing the West's involvement in African development on both the macro and micro levels. Majoring in Data Science and minoring in Public Policy and Philosophy will allow me to further explore these interests.


Lusaka, Zambia

High School

Mahindra United World College


I am a member of the United Black Association, Student Programming Board, and Umoja.

My Dream Job

I eventually want to work as a policy maker with the Zambian Ministry of Finance or with the Zambian Central Bank.

What do you hope to learn from your Richter experience this summer?

I hope to learn how to conduct research and be able to present that research to others who might learn something from it. I want to learn more about pacifism and anti-militarism in America. Additionally, I wanted to see how we can apply these concepts to international relations today.