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Health and Wellness Center offers finals coping strategies

Lake Forest College Health and Wellness Center
April 22, 2020

An email to students from the Health and Wellness Center offered a variety of strategies for coping with the stress of finals, especially during the current remote-learning environment.

Dear Students,

In these past few weeks of quarantine, you have probably seen countless messages, memes, and anecdotes about the ways people are attempting to stay busy, pick up hobbies, and make the most of their increased free time. At Health and Wellness, we want to acknowledge that this is a privilege that is not present for many people and even if you are finding yourself with more time, it can be very difficult to feel motivated and productive. This pandemic is a shared trauma in our psyche and with any trauma, your brain is focused on surviving and not on thriving. Your response may have been to shut down, doing the bare minimum, feeling anxious to keep yourself busy, sleep disturbances, alongside other physical and emotional responses. It may also feel that there is no end in sight and these current conditions may feel like it will last forever. Being an online student nearing finals week in the midst of a pandemic can come with its own challenges. We would like to offer some brief tips that may be of help:


Finals Anxiety Tips

- Prioritize and make lists or schedules to organize your tasks.

- Break up big tasks into smaller chunks.

- Take brief breaks from studying.

- Get adequate sleep - you’ll actually retain information better!

- Eat meals as regularly as possible.


COVID-19 Anxiety Tips

- Take breaks from reading, watching, or listening to the news.

- Try to take care of your body.

- Try to do activities that you enjoy in order to unwind.

- Stay connected with others. Chances are, they’re feeling similarly too!




Health and Wellness will continue to be here as your support system while you are out there learning remotely. If you would like to talk with a counselor or have any questions about taking care of yourself, just give us a call 847-735-5240 or e-mail us at!

Remember, this is a process and everyone’s needs are unique! These tips might not feel like they are working for you right away and it might take some exploring to find what is right for you. Feel free to drop in on our Tuesday “Wellness Wherever” group to get some help with your process and get additional skills.