Richter Scholar Program

Nilufar Imomdodova

Richter Project

Examining the Role of the Family of Synucleins in Neurodegenerative Diseases using Yeast Models

Academic Interests

Psychology and Neuroscience


Dushanbe, Tajikistan

High School

International baccalaureate program


I am a Title IX volunteer

My Dream Job

Helping people has always been my passion, but finding out the ways in which my dream could come true has been a challenging process. This year, I decided that the area in which I can make significant contributions to my society by becoming a neuropsychologist. The Richter Scholar Program is an amazing opportunity for me to set this plan in motion.

What do you hope to learn from your Richter experience this summer?

I am very excited about my Richter research. I am working on acquiring skills that will enable me to run procedures on my own. Also, I want to learn all the little, delicate details about Parkinson's, a neurodegenerative disease, which will enable me to become a more productive member in the lab. The Richter Scholar Program is an opportunity for me to explore the research process and gain experience in research. I am part of a team that will be doing lab-based research on mutants that cause Parkinson’s Disease.