Richter Scholar Program

Amy Tram

Richter Project

Removing environmentally persistent pharmaceuticals from waste water

Academic Interests

Chemistry and Psychology


Chicago, Illinois, United States

High School

Northside College Prep


I am a Student Affiliate with the American Chemical Society and a member of PRIDE, Fencing Club , and Chinese Club.

My Dream Job

I want to be a forensic scientist.

What do you hope to learn from your Richter experience this summer?

I hope to gain more experience in working in a lab and in presenting and communicating my work to others. I am most looking forward to the research experience I will gain from working with Dr. Schultz and my labmates.

I also want to gain experience in research early on in my undergraduate studies and saw the Richter Scholar Program as a great opportunity to do just that. Getting to work with a faculty member on a project is really exciting. I'm confident that the things I am learning will help me achieve my academic and professional goals.