Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Raven in Spain

Cabo de Gata Raven '23 at Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park
April 20, 2022
Raven Dziedzinski '23

Raven Dziedzinski '23, a double major in finance and politics with a minor in Spanish, is studying abroad at the Universidad de Almería in Spain.

Hi, I’m Raven Dziedzinski, a junior at LFC and I’m currently studying in Amería, Spain. I’m currently a little over halfway with my semester here and have been enjoying my time abroad. This is my first time in Spain and I am learning all about the culture and life here. Along with that, I’m getting to meet new friends from all around the world and learn about their cultures and experiences.

I’ve enjoyed my courses and the different styles of learning here. My courses are very presentation oriented. In most of my classes I’ve had to give a lot of individual and group presentations. The presentations have helped me become more comfortable with presenting and talking in front of groups of people. A lot of the day-to-day work that we do is group work and this has helped me develop new skills. The group work has helped me develop skills of working with others and making sure everyone’s ideas get communicated. I enjoy the different approach to learning because it gives me a new perspective on things. The group work has also allowed me to meet different people and learn about the styles of learning from their countries.

I have also gotten the opportunity to travel to a few places while I’ve been here. I was able to go on a trip to Gibraltar which was a very cool experience. Gibraltar is a place that I never imagined myself going to and I’m so happy I was able to go there. I also was able to travel to Poland for Easter. I was able to travel to Poland and visit my family which I am super grateful for. I hope to travel a few more times before I return to the U.S.. All in all I’ve really enjoyed my time here and am excited for my last two months here.

I am very thankful for the Ingrid H. and George L. Speros Scholarship for supporting my study abroad adventure! This scholarship has allowed me to experience so many things that I’ve never imagined.

View from the Rock of Gibraltar:

View from the Rock of Gibraltar