Study Abroad and Domestic Study Away

Notes from Abroad: Carson in England

At Trafford Carson '25 (right) visiting Old Trafford
December 12, 2023
Carson Kennally '25

Carson Kennally '25, a biology and history double major, is studying abroad in England.

My time in London is coming to an end and I keep trying to think about all the amazing things I was able to do, and I end up losing track because of their abundance. For starters both my brother, when I arrived, and my parents, during thanksgiving, were able to visit me while I was here. For a family that seldom goes on vacation let alone out of the country it was a special experience for all of us. I have never seen my parents so full of interest and eagerness to do everything that not only London, but other parts of Europe had to offer.   

I was also surprised at how similar the coursework has been. Aside from a different grading scale and the level of take-home work much of the teaching style is the same, I had prepared myself for a brand-new schooling world.  

My favorite part about my time here is hands down my trips to Manchester. If you knew me, you would know that I hardly shut up about European Football so it was a no brainer for me to spend a semester in London where I could experience all the magic that I witness every weekend from home. I have been a lifelong Manchester United supporter and my three trips up north were the best time of my life. It was surreal for me to be there and see my team win. I couldn’t believe that I had finally made it all the way there after watching from my couch my whole life. I would not give up that experience for anything in the world. I was apprehensive about applying originally but it was the best decision of my life.  

Visiting Westminster Abbey:

Visiting Westminster Abbey