
Catherine Weidner

Senior Lecturer in History



MA, PhD, American History. Northwestern University

BA, magna cum laude, Government. College of William and Mary

Selected Publications

“Building a Better Life,”  Chicago History,  (Winter Issue, 1989-1990)

Review Essay, The Invisible Empire in the West:  The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s, Shawn Lay, Western Historical Quarterly, (May 1993)

Papers and Conference Participation

Moderator, Steven S. Galovich Student Research Symposium, Lake Forest College, 2002-present

“Planning Urban Decline:  Educational Politics in Post-Industrial Chicago, 1950-1970,”  Fifth National Conference on American Planning History, Chicago, Illinois, 1993

“‘Our Most Priceless Racial Asset’:  The Chicago Negro American Labor Council and Trade Union Discrimination, 1950-1965,” Reworking American Labor History Conference, Madison, WI, 1992

“Popular Culture and Historical Paradigms:  Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement,”  Annual  Meeting, Association of General and Liberal Studies, Indianapolis, IN, 1989

“Chicago’s Black Civic Organizations and the Black Working Class after Brown,”  Chicago  Historical Society Urban History Seminar, 1989

Honors and Awards

Faculty Award,  Butler University Black Student Union, 1991
National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Seminar Grant, 1989
Northwestern University, Teaching Fellowship,  1984-1989
Northwestern University, Academic Fellowship,  1983-1984
College of  William and Mary,  Departmental Honors, Magna Cum Laude,  1982
College of  William and Mary,  Women’s Track and Field Scholarship, 1979-1982