Lake Forest College to host free VITA tax preparation services

IRS-certified students and alumni from Lake Forest College will provide free, in-person tax-preparation services to qualifying community members filing 2024 returns this spring.
The Lake Forest College Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) 2025 Pilot Program will assist filers with a gross income of less than $67,000, military taxpayers, persons with disabilities, and international students.
Eligible tax filers can schedule a one-hour appointment between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Sundays from February 9 through April 6, 2025 (no appointments March 9 and 16) in the Donnelley and Lee Library on Middle Campus, 555 N. Sheridan Rd., Lake Forest, Illinois. Appointments must be made in advance, no walk-in appointments. Register here: VITA Appointment Registration. More information on the program can be found here.
VITA is an IRS initiative that has operated for over 50 years, providing free tax preparation for underserved communities across the country. This is the first time that Lake Forest College, initiated by business faculty member Dave Jordan, is offering this service to the community with the help of dozens of students, faculty, staff, and alumni volunteers.
“Several members of the Lake Forest College community are coming together and volunteering their time to offer this terrific service to our greater community,” said Jackie Slaats, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Career Advancement. “Thanks to the outstanding collaboration of business faculty members Dave Jordan, Cassondra Batz-Barbarich, and Beth Clemmensen, staff members Melissa Werntz and Marie Josephitis, and many others across campus, we are fulfilling an important aspect of our mission as a longstanding liberal arts college--to make a difference in the world and provide our students with meaningful hands-on experience.”
About Lake Forest College: Founded in 1857, Lake Forest College is a selective residential, national liberal arts institution located 30 miles north of downtown Chicago. The College enrolls more than 1,800 students representing nearly every state and over 115 countries. Lake Forest College has a long tradition of academic excellence and is known for its innovative curriculum and focus on career preparation. Explore the College at