Danielle Cohen

Instructor in Politics and History
Coordinator of Public Policy
- 8477356086
- dcohen@lakeforest.edu
Comparative politics, international relations, East Asian political history, political demography
PhD, Government, Cornell University
MA, Government, Cornell University
AB, summa cum laude, School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University; Certificate in East Asian Studies
FIYS 152 The Politics of Population
POLS 344 Gender and Sexuality in IR
POLS 342 International Political Economy
HIST 213 Modern East Asia
CWR 100 College Writing
POLS 110 Introduction to Global Politics
POLS 215 China and The World
POLS 240 Transnational Social Movements
HIST 260 Modern China
HIST 340 Topics: China’s Birth Policy
Danielle F. S. Cohen, “China’s Relations with Asia's Southern Tier,” The Asan Forum 12, no. 4 (July–August 2024).
Danielle F. S. Cohen, “China’s Strategic Thinking toward India, 2017–2020,” The Asan Forum 12, no. 1 (January–February 2024).
Danielle F. S. Cohen, “China’s Relations with Asia’s Southern Tier, 2013–2016,” The Asan Forum 11, no. 4 (July–August 2023).
Danielle F. S. Cohen and Gilbert Rozman, “China’s Rhetoric toward South Korea: Smile Diplomacy Baring ‘Wolf Warrior’ Teeth,” The Asan Forum 10, no. 1 (January–February 2022).
Danielle F. S. Cohen, “The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Sino–US National Identity Gap,” ed. Gilbert Rozman, vol. 32, Joint U.S.–Korea Academic Studies (Washington, DC: Korea Economic Institute of America, 2021).
Danielle F. S. Cohen, “Chinese Media: Why Did the Hanoi Summit Fail and What Comes Next?” in The East Asian Whirlpool: Kim Jong-Un’s Diplomatic Shake-up, China’s Sharp Power, and Trump’s Trade Wars, ed. Gilbert Rozman, vol. 30, Joint U.S.–Korea Academic Studies (Washington, DC: Korea Economic Institute of America, 2019), 356–63.
Danielle F. S. Cohen, “The Case of China,” Asan Forum 5, no. 4 (July-August 2017).
Danielle Cohen, “The Impact of Chinese National Identity on Sino-ASEAN Relations,” in The Sino-ROK-U.S. Triangle: Awaiting the Impact of Leadership Changes, ed. Gilbert Rozman, vol. 28, Joint U.S. - Korea Academic Studies (Washington, DC: Korea Economic Institute of America, 2017), 113-28.
Danielle F. S. Cohen, “Chinese Interpretations of Japan and Its Role in the Indo-Pacific Region in 2016,” The Asan Forum 4, no. 3 (May-June 2016).
Danielle F.S. Cohen, “Country Report: China,” The Asan Forum 4, no. 2 (March/April 2016)—present (bimonthly)
Danielle Cohen and Jonathan Kirshner, “Myth-Telling: The Cult of Energy Insecurity and China-US Relations,” Global Asia 6, no. 2 (June 2011).
Michael D. Swaine, Zhang Tuosheng, eds., with Danielle F. S. Cohen, Managing Sino-American Crises: Case Studies and Analysis (Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2006).
Danielle F. S. Cohen, Retracing the Triangle: China’s Strategic Perceptions of Japan in the Post-Cold War Era, Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies 181, no. 2 (2005).
“The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Sino–US National Identity Gap,” paper presented at the International Studies Association conference, April 2021 and at “The Pandemic’s Impact on Great Power Competition”, Korean Economic Institute of America, July 29, 2021 (invited talk) .
“China: The Future Ahead,” TEDx Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL, November 3, 2018 (invited talk)
“The Impact of National Identity on China–ASEAN Relations,” paper presented at the International Studies Association conference in Baltimore, Maryland, February 2017.
“Women’s Empowerment Meets Women’s Liberation: The Disconnect Between Global and Chinese Approaches to Gender and Population,” paper presented at the International Studies Association conference in Atlanta, GA, March 2016.
“Selective Adoption Under Social Pressure: Population Control, the Cairo Consensus, and the Reform of the One Child Policy,” paper presented at the International Studies Association conference, New Orleans, LA, February 2015.
“China’s International Integration and the Effects on the One Child Policy,” presentation to the Buffett Center Faculty and Fellows Series, Northwestern University, January 2015.
“Minority Births Under China’s One Child Policy,” paper presented at the International Studies Association conference, Toronto, Ontario, March 2014.
Janice N. and Milton J. Esman Graduate Prize, Department of Government, Cornell University, 2016
Fulbright-Hays, U.S. Department of Education, awarded 2010–2011
Critical Language Scholarship, Mandarin Chinese, U.S. Department of State (Nanjing, China), June–August 2010
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship, Chinese, Cornell/U.S. Department of Education, 2007–2008